Friday 5 February 2016

My Top 8 Books That Became Films

If I've read a book that then becomes a film, I'll be honest, I'm usually a bit sceptical about it.  By reading a book you are using your imagination to create up the character using the information you have been given by the author.  It's a powerful tool that allows you to help tell the story, almost like a partnership between the two of you.  Just think about it, two people could read the exact same book and yet they could both have a completely different experience.  Imagining people to look and sound differently, picturing the setting to be somewhere completely different and I kind of like that. 

When a book becomes a film, that power is taken away and you are left to sit back and watch someone else's interpretation of the story and how things look.  There are times where this goes very wrong.  But then there are times that it goes so very right.  Some of my favourite films have been created from books that I have read and enjoyed, so I thought I'd share those with you here today.

* The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks directed by Nick Cassavetes 

* The Time Travellers Wife by Audrey Niffinegger directed by Robert Schwentke

* The Help by Kathryn Stockett directed by Tate Taylor

* My Sisters Keeper by Jodi Picoult directed by Nick Cassavetes

* Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen directed by Francis Lawrence

* Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert directed by Ryan Murphy

* One Day by David Nicholls directed by Lone Scherfig

And my all time favourite

 * P.S I Love you by Cecilia Ahern directed by Richard LaGravenese

Do you have any favourite books that became films?

~ Gem x


  1. Great choices, I loved My Sisters Keeper such a thought evoking journey.

  2. Yes, I capture the castle by Dodie Smith was brilliant, 84 Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff was also superb!!!x

    1. Ooo I've not heard of either of these before, I'll have to check them out x x
