Friday 2 December 2016

December Bucket List

As if it's the last month of 2016 already.  In all fairness I will be glad to see the back of this year.  It has been somewhat of a shit sandwich, starting and ending well but with the most awful middle, one I'm very glad to put behind me. 

I'm wanting to end the year on a high with those that I hold dear to me, those who have supported me through thick and thin and that without them in all honestly I don't know how I would have coped this year. 

* Go to a carol concert ~
I'm a big fan of Christmas carols so I'm looking forward to spreading some Christmas cheer (and singing loud for all to hear)

* Spend Christmas with my amazing family ~
We have our moments, what family doesn't? I honestly don't think they realise how incredible they have been for me this year though, especially my Mum.  I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with them this Christmas

*Check out the ice rink at Somerset House ~
I've wanted to go here for years and have never got round to it.  I'm fed up with wanting to do things and not doing it, so I'm hoping this is one thing I can change this month.

*Soak in the Festive atmosphere ~
This is a no brainer right.

*Go for a Christmas Lights drive ~
I love driving round and checking out everyone's Christmas lights.  It's something I've often done with a good friend of mine so it would be nice to try and fit this in this month too if I can.

I hope you all have an incredible December.  Let's see this last month out with a bang.

~ Gem 


  1. Hope you manage to get everything on your list done. Take care.

    1. Thank you. Have a wonderful festive season my lovely x x

  2. Yay, what a lovely list!!! I second the Christmas carols!

    1. Thanks, I do love Christmas carols x x

  3. Gem, I wouldn't have been anywhere but by your side. I may not always agree with your choices in life (No dig..just in general), but I love you unconditionally, and will always be there for you. Whatever life throws us, we deal with it together.
    As for your December list - Christmas Carols...tick, Time with family...tick, festive atmosphere...tick. We will certainly get those done, along with lots and lots of laughter knowing us two xxxx

  4. I love going for a festive drive and checking out all the lights, it's great so many people in the UK get involved now.

    Victoria x

    1. I don't really know when it started, but I usually go with a good friend of mine, we've done it for the past few years and always have a good giggle along the way, it has to be done x x x

  5. Oo I love your idea about going for a festive drive. Think we will have to do that this year!

    Hope your okay Gem xxx

    1. It's a little tradition we've enjoyed for a few years now, I love checking out other people's decorations x x x
