Friday 2 September 2016

September Bucket List

I have officially been making these lists for a whole year now.  As the months pass by it is becoming harder and harder to know what to add to them.  I'd promised myself at the beginning of this year that I would continue to do them till the end of the year, and who am I to break a promise to myself?  So here it goes for another month.

* Try a pumpkin spiced latte.
I've said in my 30 before 30 list that I want to acquire a taste for coffee, I'd also said last October that I wanted to do this and never managed it.  So with Starbucks announcing the arrival of the seasonal drink in stores from the 1st September, I'm going to try and get this one in early on.

* Go see a film.
With Bridget Jones hitting the big screens this month, I'd really like to try and catch it.  I used to love going to the cinema and very rarely ever go anymore, so perhaps that is something that needs to be changed.

* Attempt to get my crafting mojo back.
I've started to miss having something creative and crafty to work on of an evening. As the evenings are beginning to draw in now it seems the perfect time to try and break the spell an get making again.

* Make the most of my evenings.
As the evenings begin to draw in, it would be great to have some quality me time and catch up with myself, getting straight for the winter months that lay ahead.  Is it bad that I'm actually looking forward to the winter weather coming our way?

~ Gem x


  1. Pumpkin spice latte's are lovely. I can't believe you've never had one!

    1. I know, I've never been much of a coffee fan and always assumed I wouldn't like pumpkin, turns out I was wrong and I do like it x x

  2. I love iced soy pumpkin spice lattes but they don't contain much coffee at all. If you are trying to get into coffee may I recommend a iced (or warm, your preference) soy caramel macchiato. It has espresso with a layer of sweet caramel milk on top, it's my go-to. ♥

    1. Thank you for the tips, I'll keep them in mind and will give them a go, both sound lovely x x

  3. I've never been tempted by a flavoured coffee (a good job, as coffee chains aren't very common over here) BUT I do feel I should try to do more with my evenings. I just sit n front of the TV, I'm afraid,. I could at least knit!

    1. We're all guilty of wasting time every now and then. Knitting would be nice and relaxing though and so easy to do whilst still sitting in front of the TV x x
