Monday 25 September 2017

Exploring Cambridge

I've visited Cambridge a few times before now but don't think I'll ever turn down an opportunity to return.  There is something about the place that makes me feel content and it really is a beautiful place to visit.  The architecture is stunning and there is a lovely atmosphere about the place.

Wandering around the streets and stepping into the university buildings I can't help but feel at home there.

Only being an hours drive from Chelmsford it makes the perfect place to visit for a day, however I'm certain with enough research there would be plenty enough to do for a weekend break, especially if you took into account neighbouring villages.

A good few hours were spent wandering the streets with something to look at around every corner.  A walk up to the top of the tower to take in the views from above the city, being able to take it all in from above the hustle and bustle was somewhat peaceful considering it was such a busy day down on street level.

It's a place that never ceases to amaze me, filled with so much beauty.  A true English treasure.

~ Gem x


  1. I love Cambridge. It's the 'easy' halfway point I meet my aunt and cousins for some shopping. Such a wonderful place to walk around and I really need to explore more of the scenery than the shops

    Victoria x

    1. There are some great shops there, I tend to do a bit of both when I visit so I can total see where you're coming from xx

  2. Punting, the museum, a walk along The Backs, so much to do, lots of meandering about. :)

    1. Definitely, there's something for everyone xx

  3. My two daughters meet there regularly as it is about half way between their homes. A beautiful place to visit.
