Wednesday 2 August 2017

August 2017 Bucket List

August has arrived.  For the first time in quite a while I'm feeling quite positive about the arrival of a new month.  I'm not entirely sure why but I'm not going to knock it.  I haven't got anything pre planned for this month so it's very much going to be a wait and see what happens type of thing.  There are a few things I would like to try and squeeze into the month though.  Lets take a look.

* Chase a sunset.
I seriously miss my sunsets.  Living at the bungalow I was blessed with some beautiful sunsets, I don't get to see them now as the flat faces away from them which sucks so it would be great to go for a drive to hunt one or two down this month, especially as the evenings are slowly beginning to draw in again now.

* Go in search of a field of sunflowers.
August brings sunflowers in their glory, such happy and bright blooms.

* Create an ice cream bar.
I need to go to Pinterest for some inspiration here but it would be cool to try and create some sort of DIY ice cream bar type thing at home.  We'll see how it goes.

* Enjoy a fancy milkshake.
Milkshakes for me go hand in hand with summer and although the summer seems to have lasted for ages, I think that is partly to do with the fact that my summer holiday this year was so early (back at the beginning of April) I want to make the most of the summer while it is still here.  Even though secretly I am longing for autumn arrive, definitely my favourite time of the year, but I don't want to wish the year away so I'm embracing the summer while it lasts.

* Book my flights and start planning my Stateside trip.
I have plans to travel to the States later this year, I still need to book my flights and confirm the final plans but I am getting really excited about it.  I'm not giving anything away just yet but I have a good feeling about this trip.

Is there anything you would like to achieve this month?  I'd love to hear about it.

~ Gem x


  1. Milkshakes are big on my list with my nieces and nephews for our trip to Disney in November! Exited to hear about your plans for a trip to the States.

    Victoria x

    1. You can't go wrong with milkshakes. Very excited for my trip, I'm heading to Chicago, I've always wanted to visit xxx

  2. Hope you get to do all of these fun things and more in August, enjoy your travels when they happen!

    1. Thank you, I will definitely be enjoying them for sure xxx
