Wednesday 29 March 2017

Introducing A New Little Friend

Firstly I want to thank everyone for the support and comments on my last blog post.  It's been a tough ride but things are going well and right now I'm feeling pretty good about life.  Things are sent to try us in many of life's challenges and curve balls and what I've been through has definitely made me a far stronger person.  It's not always been pretty but right now I'm feeling great.
A couple of weeks ago I welcomed a new little friend into my life. 

Say hello to Holly.

She is a Siberian Hamster and is absolutely adorable, I have fallen in love. 

She has already had me in stitches over her funny little ways from demonstrating her climbing skills and doing the monkey bars across the top of her cage then casually just falling to the ground to running for endless minutes in her wheel. 

She really is such a character, plus she loves a cuddle which is fine by me.

I'm sure there will be plenty of hamster spam on the blog over the next couple of years, that is if she stays still for two seconds for me to take a photo.

~ Gem x


  1. Can't wait to meet her. You never know, she may prefer living here, lol xxx

  2. She's adorable! I really want a hamster!x

    1. She is such a character and the good thing is she is so easy to care for, plus she sleeps during the day while we are at work so we can enjoy her of an evening when she is very much wide awake :) x x
