Friday 10 June 2016

I am.....

After seeing the idea for this blog post over at A Life In The English Rain I just knew that I had to join in.  Such a fantastic idea and a great way to get to know the person behind the blog a little better.

I am... a loving and proud wife.  I may only have been married for a year and a half and yes it may have been the toughest year and a half of my life, but I'm so glad that I get to share it with my husband.  Of course we have our ups and our downs, please tell me who doesn't?  I am so proud of the person that he is, the things he has achieved and am so pleased that I get to spend the rest of my life with him.

I am... a family person.  My family mean the world to me.  They have helped me to become the person I am today and for that I am eternally grateful.

I am... a homemaker.  I'm a proper homebody, I just love being at home in my own little sanctuary.  I love to potter about, playing around and creating cosy corners and sweet little displays.  That secure feeling I get when I'm at home just can't be beaten.

I am... the kind of person who thinks it's OK to eat cereal for dinner.  Lets face it, it tastes so much better in the evening.  I've also been known to eat cake for dinner on more than one occasion too.  Hey, don't judge me.

I am... that crazy chicken lady.  Three years ago it would have been a different story.  But since rescuing four battery hens I have become obsessed.

I am... a chocoholic.  My next biggest love in life is chocolate.  I just can't get enough of the stuff.

I am... a creative soul.  My head is constantly buzzing with ideas.  Whether it be an idea for a new blog post.  Something I can make, sew, stitch, crochet, plant.  I just have so many ideas, so many that I can never get them all out of my head, which brings me nicely to the next point.

I am... a procrastinator.  I'm forever talking about doing things and I rarely ever do them.  I need to promise myself that this is going to stop.  Even if I just take one of these ideas a month and try to do something with it.

I am... a stress head.  I worry and stress about everything.  Putting so much pressure on myself to do or achieve things for no reason.  In many ways I guess this links in with the previous point.

I am... a lover of the countryside.  After moving into our house 3 and a half years ago I was used to living life in a built up housing estate, my heart longed for country living though.  I never imagined for one second that I would get it so soon.  You notice everything so much more when you are surrounded by life's nature and beauty.

I am... a lot of things.  But most importantly I am Me.

~ Gem x


  1. A lovely post and so nice getting to know you a little more.

  2. This is lovely, alas my comment from the train did not save!

    1. Thank you, something a little different for me. Also something to follow up on one day too x x
