Friday 21 March 2014

In My Hometown

Since moving into our new home over a year ago, I have admired the village we live in every day.  I love it.  I'd passed through it many times before and never imaged I would ever live there, it's funny how things pan out.  I thought I'd share with you a few photos.  Perhaps you will be able to see for yourselves why I love it so much.

All the photos in this post have been taken around the green area.  I will try to do a follow up post on other areas around the village soon.

I drive past the green almost every day.  It's the heart of the village if you like, and is such a beautiful spot, at all times of the year.

But in spring the colour just bursts out, with daffodils sprouting up at the base of all the trees, it looks so pretty.

It just has so much about it, so much history, so much character.

It's quite a large green.  Used for various things throughout the year.  A children's fair at the beginning of the summer, a circus later on in the summer time, the remembrance service in November and home to a beautiful Christmas tree in December.

And not to mention the pond.  Always filled with many ducks who call it home, and from time to time a beautiful swan.

Each of the buildings surrounding the green have their own purpose.

Their own story.
I mean honestly, why would you not want to visit this Library and Post Office?
I'm not a religious person but even the church sits so nicely in the centre of the village.
And this house looks just beautiful once all the flower is out on the wisteria.  I'll try to show you a photo once it has bloomed.
The pub is pretty sweet too.
I've always wanted to live in a village.  There is just something about them.
So quaint, and picturesque.
So this is the village green in Spring.  I'll post again in Summer, and if I can Autumn and Winter.
Love Gem x x


  1. Replies
    1. It is beautiful :) We are very lucky. It's just a case of trying not to take it for granted, as we won't be here forever, there is no way we could afford to buy a property here x x x

  2. Lovely post. Lovely village.

  3. You live in Writtle now??? Lucky you!! Are you doing any courses at the college?? X

    1. I do indeed, although only lived in Chelmsford before so I haven't moved all that far at all.
      I'm not doing any courses at the moment, alhthough I did do a college certificate in Floristry last year. I've been tryig to save for the wedding this year and because I work full time it isn;t always easy to fit the courses in around me, especially because it is mainly a full time college. x x x

  4. What a pretty village you live in gem! So quintessentially English! It has everything I like in an English village :-) Thank you for your kind comment on my blog too.

    Happy week!

    Madelief x
