Wednesday 16 November 2011

My Weekend

I am at last getting up to date with everything.  I have taken plenty of time out and simplified my life in pretty much every aspect possible.  It has definitely helped.  I feel so much better for it and I am starting to enjoy life again and all with a much clearer head.  It has also meant having the opportunity to make plans and catch up with old friends. 

I had quite a busy weekend but also a really good one.  I spent Saturday afternoon at a new group.  Something else to cross off 2011's Autumn List (Join A Group)  It is the Coffee, Cake & Craft group at Hylands Park Stables.  It meets once a month for a few hours on a Saturday afternoon and you basically take along whatever craft you are working on, eat cake, drink tea and chat to the other people that have gone along.  I loved it.  I have been meaning to go for a few months now and have never been able to get round to it but am so glad I made it this month.  I spent the afternoon with fellow bloggers Lynne who arranges the group and Sarah from Blooming Felt.  I can't show you what I am working on just yet but as soon as it is finished I promise to reveal all.  I am really looking forward to next month's group although I am not sure what I will be working on then.  I have made a promise to myself though to only work on one craft project at a time :s

Sunday was spent catching up with an old friend.  We haven't seen them in almost 2 years, they used to live in Lincolnshire and have recently moved back to Essex, a village called Danbury, just round the corner to us so myself and James jumped in the car and spent the afternoon catching up on things in their world.  It was great to see them again although I will miss those trips up to the countryside to stay in their cottage.  It is gorgeous up there.  Never mind.  Perhaps one day I will own my own beautiful cottage in the country *sigh*

~ Gem x


  1. Well done on joining a group :) I belong to one and its lovely - normally meet each week for a few hours - crafting, tea, cake and a good natter - can't beat it :)

  2. Hi Gem,

    Well done on getting things simplified..I hope things are feeling much better!!

    That group sounds fun : ) Any excuse for cake!!

    Gemma x

  3. One day, you will be in a cosy cottage sounded by wool and beauty. x

  4. I am glad you are having such as nice time xx

    Hylands house do some lovely events don't they? i really like the sound of the coffee and craft one, i wonder if they do something like that in the week when the kids are at school?
