Thursday 23 February 2012

A Little Spending

A few weeks ago a friend of mine had asked whether I had bought any pretty's recently to which I answered "No, I'm being good and trying to save".  I have recently been a bit naughty and spotted some treats in local charity shops although I will be honest, I haven't got much as the charity shops have been pretty poor for the past month or so.  So this is what I have been spending my very few pennies on.

The first thing which is my most recent purchase and the most expensive although I thought it was a bargain at £99.

I am in love with this bed.  I hated the bed at James' and after seeing this on display in Ikea I couldn't resist.  All I could imagine was how nice it would look with our his and hers stockings hanging on the end at Christmas.

Isn't she lovely.  She is just soooo pretty.  We will definitely be taking this bed to the new place, where ever that will be and when ever it may be that we get a new place!

I have also bought some tea cups recently.  Eventually I would like to have a miss matched tea set, this is my start.

I know the last one isn't technically a tea cup but isn't it cute? I just loved the writing on it.

There were a few other things as well but if I am honest they are not as pretty or exciting as these items, plus my photos of them aren't great.

So that should keep me and you going for a little while longer.  I'm staying at my Nan's tomorrow night so will be taking a car load of house stuff with me to store at her place, the truth is I am running out of space to store it all at Mum & Dad's.  I have spent most of this week going through it all trying to see if there is anything I could get rid of but it wasn't to successful, the majority of it is to keep.

I will be having a boot sale once the season starts up again, just to try and help with the de-cluttering and saving side of things.  Since around Aug / Sep last year me and Mum have been having numerous clear outs and saving it all up for one, I've no idea how we are going to get it all there, we are going to need a van that is for sure, looks like Dad could be roped into this one too :) still if it makes us a few pennys for the savings jar then it will all be worth it.

Lots of Love

Gem x x x x


  1. Your bed is so beautiful!! no wonder you couldn't resist ;) I have one similar and your are right stockings look great on the botton hanging up! have a wonderful weekend Gem.

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  2. Ooh, I love your new bed Gem..and yes, I can definitely imagine this next Xmas with pretty stockings hanging on it looking beautifully festive!
    I love to collect odd pieces of pretty china to put together into's great fun..and there are some lovely cups and saucers to be found..
    Hope you have a great weekend,
    Susan x

  3. Lovely bed, Gem! Gorgeous! xxx

  4. A beautiful bed. Sadly we can't have a full bedstead as my husband's feet would stick through the end! :) Best wishes, Pj x

  5. Very cute bed!!

    I can see what you mean about the stockings : )


  6. Ooo I have that bed too! It is beautiful isn't it! xxx

  7. Lovely new bed, makes getting up in the morning so hard :)

  8. Hi
    I have a tiny hanging plate that matches your mug with the girl on. I will post it off to you if you like as I was going to give it to the charity shop !
    Sue x

  9. The bed is fab - love that kind of look. Love your collection of tea sets too!
    The valentine swap was a great idea. Hope you do it again next year :)

    Leah xxxxx
