Wednesday 22 June 2011

Late Virtual Coffee

Hello, I'm here, sorry I'm late.  My posts are still very few and far between at the moment, I apologise for this and hopefully blogging should be back to normal again very soon.  The truth is I have been in a bit of pain recently with my tooth, it has been agony.  I have been to the dentist and have been told that I have an infection under the tooth, which has caused it to wobble (I feel like a kid again with a wobbly tooth, I wonder if the tooth fairy visits adults?????) Well, I have to go back again on Monday to have the tooth taken out, I am not looking forward to that.

Anyway we don't want to be discussing this over coffee do we.  Instead, I hope you don't mind but I wanted to show you some new clothes I have bought.

I have a few things to share with you so I will split them into numerous posts over the next couple of days.

The sun has finally started to shine after hours and hours of rain, lets hope it holds out for the rest of the evening for us all to enjoy.

Love Gem xxx


  1. Oh no! I hate the dentist so I really feel for you. I had to have 3 wisdom teeth taken out a few years ago, it was painful!! I will be thinking of you, sending big hugs :)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  2. Ouch! Hope it all goes as well as it can at the dentist : )

    I'm going through a bit of a dry spell with blogging too..all this rain is making everything a tad boring! heehee : )

    Gemma x

  3. Eek, your poor tooth. Hope it gets sorted very soon. Yes, I had probs uploading photos too - grrrr.

    Thanks for the heads up on the book. Off to look at it on Amazon!

  4. Hope your tooth is better soon, don't stint on the painkillers! I've said this to people before, but are you using Google Chrome as your browser? I am and haven't had photo problems today like a lot of people seem to have done.

  5. Eeeeek, I hate the dentist too, even though mine is nice (all stems from the newly qualified one I had who tried to give me 9 fillings until I saw a different dentist!) Love the clothes!
