Monday 8 August 2016

My List of 30 Before 30

I've seen loads of these lists knocking about on the internet and as an avid fan of lists and now being less than a year away from 30, I thought I'd have a crack at doing my own list of 30 things I'd like to do before I reach 30.

1. Climb the roof of the O2.

2. Cross something off my bucket list.

3. Hatch some butterflies.

4. Visit a lavender farm.

5. Go for a walk or a run in the rain.

6. Ride in a hot air balloon.

7. Travel somewhere new.

8. Watch a film in an outdoor space.

9. Improve my cooking skills.

10. Start some form of exercise.

11. Get some henna.

12. Try my hand at vlogging.

13. Spend more time on myself.

14. Have a meal at Forest Restaurant in London.

15. Visit the Emma Bridgewater factory.

16. Try a new afternoon tea experience.

17. Experience Christmas at Kew Gardens.

18. Spend at least one day by the coast.

19. Pay a visit to London's Sky Garden.

20. Do something spontaneous.

21. Grow something beautiful.

22. Make something to keep me warm through my 30's.

23. Try a food I've never tried before.

24. Go and see a ballet performance.

25. Travel away for a break somewhere alone.

26. Find a new challenge.

27.  Acquire a taste for coffee.

28. Watch the Harry Potter films.

29. Visit the Harry Potter studios.

30. Make a list of 40 things to do before I reach 40.

I'll try to keep you updated on my progress as the year goes on.  I've tried not to make it too ambiguous in a hope to actually achieve the points I've listed but time will tell I guess.  Wish me luck.

~ Gem x


  1. You have not watched the Harry Potter films - I'm scandalised ;)

    The studios are great fun to visit once you've watched the films

    Victoria x

    1. Guilty, never seen any of them, or read the books. But that will be changing. Definitely going to watch the films first so that it will all make sense x x
