Friday 22 July 2016

July Bucket List

We're already over half way through the month so this is going to be an interesting one.  I'm going to keep it short for that reason, and also as I'd mentioned in my last post there have been a few things going on in my life at the moment so I've not always been feeling up to doing much.  But a few things I'd like to try and achieve with what's left of this month are:

* Visit a lavender farm.
I have admired people's photos on Instagram of these glorious fields in the past.  This year I'd like to admire them for real and breathe in their beautiful scent.   

* Enjoy a typical British picnic. 
Complete with a blanket, a basket and lots of yummy treats.

* Enjoy cut flowers in the house from our own garden.
So lovely being able to see and smell the fruits of your own labour.

* Create a list of 30 things to do before I'm 30
I celebrated my birthday last week, turning the grand age of 29.  Just one more year till the big 3 0.  I've seen a few of these lists knocking around and as I love making a list it would be rude not to do one of my own.

So hopefully a manageable list this month but less than 2 weeks left to achieve it.  Better get my skates on.

~ Gem


  1. I would definitely recommend visiting a lavender farm, not only a beautiful sight but a great smell to.

    1. I have a visit planned for this Saturday, actually can't wait. We're also packing a picnic so I'll be able to cross 2 things off the list x x

  2. This is a great list! I hope to go to a Lavender farm in Kent when I go to stay with my dad in 3 weeks!!!

    1. I managed it, it was so beautiful, a blog post about it will be coming up very soon. I hope you manage to visit one too x x
