Tuesday 12 April 2011

Virtual Coffee - My Saving Progress

It's that time of the week again ladies (and gents), Tuesday is here already which means it is Virtual Coffee day. 

If I were really having coffee with you today I would offer you a cake or bun of your choice especially for Bee happy as she requested these on last weeks post and I promised I would bring them along : ). 

If I were really having coffee with you today I would tell you that I'm doing well so far with my saving.  A month or so ago I invested in this book.

I am loving it.  There are some brilliant tips in it, some of which I am pleased to say I am already following.  Always a bonus in my eyes, even better to know you are doing something right : )

I'm still not finished reading it yet, I have a little way to go.  It is my bedtime reading and sits next to my bed for me to delve into each evening after a long day at work.  What I love about it is how easy it is to read, you can read as much or as little as you like in a sitting and it is so easy to pick up from where you left off.  It has been written in sections for example, Crafts, Shopping, Food etc.  I'm sure I will be referring back to this one in the future, watch this space.

If I were really having coffee with you today I would tell you that I am actually quite enjoying this whole thrifting and saving experience.  I would be lying if I told you that it was easy, because it is far from it, old habits are not easy to break, but I am slowly getting there.  It has given me the opportunity to have a real good clear out and make a bit of money from things I no longer want or need.  I feel I have a clearer space around me and I can appreciate the things I have got and no longer feel the need to impulse buy (whether this feeling will last we will just have to wait and see).

So until next time ladies.

Take care

Love Gem xxx


  1. Can I have tea instead of coffee? And a cupcake!?

    Would you share some of the thrifty tips!? I'd love to save and earn some more money somehow - I also tend to impulse buy and have lots of stuff I just don't cherish enough!

    Jewel x

  2. Hi Yes that book is great. I borrowed from the library last year (even more thrifty he he !)
    Sue x

  3. Ha ha I won that book in a blog giveaway. The best tip in it for me so far was online shopping from my supermarket. I assume ASDA will be cheaper but I used my supermarket twice and saved £20 the first time, (cheaper with Tesco) and £8 the second time. Same shop.
    I love thetit bits and the ideas. Leo and I are going to make butter together at somepoint and cheese. :o)

  4. Thanks Gem, I'm glad you like my blog, and hope you keep reading! I've just seen Sue's post and think I will try and find that book in my library! xx

  5. Hi Gem, I have just popped over from Red Gingham to see the creator of the fabulous Sock monkey and arrived just in time for coffee! :0) Your monkey will be so loved by a little someone in Christchurch. I must look out for this book, it looks to just about fit me!
    Have a lovely day!
    Val xx Oxfordshire

  6. Oh yes, Gem, could you share some of those tips with us? I could do with some handy hints. xx

  7. Hi Gem!!! That book looks fantastic! I'm so glad for you! And your blog looks really cute! Have a beautiful Wednesday!


  8. You're so sweet! Thanks for the coffee and chocolate cake, much appreciated :) I also have this book and love it, must read it again as nearly finished The Night Watch.

    Good luck with the thrifting :)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  9. Hi Gem,

    Ohh you must share some of these tips! I'm trying to save as much as I can too at the moment.

    Good luck,

    Gemma x
