Wednesday 13 April 2011

Things I Am Loving At The Moment

Wow, yesterdays post seems to have sparked a lot of interest from a lot of you out there.  It seems we are all seeking that inner thrifter within ourselves.

I cannot believe the change in the weather these past few days.  I know they said it would drop in temperature but seriously, come on this is taking the biscuit.  Never mind, at least it makes us appreciate the sunshine and heat when it is here and hopefully it will be here again soon and that isn't our so called 'British Summer' that we have just had.  Instead of thinking about this dull weather I am trying to focus on the exciting times ahead that I have planned, that I will be able to share with you along the way.

So on a brighter note (well brighter then the weather anyway) I thought I would share with you some of the things I am loving at the moment.

Pretty Flowers

Rose flavoured Lemonade

 I can't get enough of the stuff, although it isn't cheap so it is a rare luxury for me to have a bottle of this : )

 These gorgeous handmade earrings made by Jessica if you are wanting to buy some for yourself contact Lynne and I am sure she can arrange this for you : )

Strangely for me, I have been enjoying cross stitch, I didn't think this would be for me, but I really quite like it.

James, Isn't he lovely? : )  We will have been together for 5 years this August, although we have our moments he knows I love him loads and loads 
This photo was taken a while ago, Aug 2009 to be precise at V-Festival in Chelmsford.

What are you loving at the moment?  I'd love to hear.

Love Gem xxx


  1. Love the earrings so pretty! where do you buy rose lemonade from? sounds delicious! Well done on the cross stitch it looks great :)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  2. Hi Gem,

    Those earring are so gorgeous! Love the colour of them : )

    I know we've spoken about this before but it is so strange how much we have in common! You & James look so sweet : )

    At the moment I am loving listing to The Killers & Brandon Flowers music (same thing really)...I never tire of their songs.

    I'm enjoying the time of getting on with making new cushions and fabric window shopping is all so tempting! HA!

    Have a great evening,

    Gemma xXxXx

  3. Hi Gemma,having trouble signing in as myself! Thank you for the mention about the earrings,Jess was really pleased and I still have lots of colours in the studio at Hylands!

    Hope to see you soon xx

  4. I'm loving that adorable photo of the two of you...hmmmm, what else?
    Nice warmer days
    Spring clothes
    and Coffee.
    Have a great day!

  5. Hey Gem,
    Happy Weekend :)
    Are we twins? 5 years this year with your other half? Snap!
    Love the earrings.
    Hope you are well xxx
