Monday 11 April 2011

Bootslaes and New Arrivals : )

As mentioned in Fridays post I spent Saturday at a local boot sale but rather then spending my money I was there to make it.  I am not a fan of early mornings so the one we go to is perfect for us.  It is called Lazybones Car Boot Fair, sellers don't arrive until 11am, buyers at 11:30am.  We picked the perfect day for it, it was packed and the sun was shining the whole time.  In the space of 3 hours we made £108.40 myself and Mum were very chuffed with this, especially as the most expensive item we sold was for £5, not bad hey.

I was very well behaved and didn't spend a penny, it was so hard not to venture away from my stool to have a nose at what other people were selling but I really do need to start saving my money, seriously there is to be no exceptions.  It is hard, very hard as I love spending money, usually on things I don't need but this all has to stop : (.  Myself and James are saving for our own place and although this is something we have been talking about for a couple of years we have never really actively done anything about it, until now. 

What did you get up to this weekend.  I hope you all made the most of the glorious sunshine that was to be had.  it was a scorcher this weekend, unfortunately my shoulders and neck are feeling the brunt of it today!

Love Gem xxx


  1. Hi Gem,

    Wow well done..!! I know what you mean about spending/saving. Me & Ian are trying to save at the moment for our own place (I imagine it will take a few years though).

    We had a bbq...did some work in the garden...not too much!

    Gemma x

  2. You are lucky having a car boot at a civilised time ! x

  3. Ive heard of the lazybones car boot - im sure its been on that 'car booty' programme - the joys of day time tv on maternity leave :o) You did really well on your sales, well done on not spending too :o) Scarlett x

  4. That sounds like the bootsale at Rettendon, just up the road from me! Glad you did so well xx

  5. Sounds like you are being really sensible - everytime I take something into a Charity Shop for them to sell, I end up buying more stuff to bring back home with me! Good luck with it.
