Friday 8 April 2011

Beautiful Sunshine

I am loving this sunshine.  It is like summer.  I have been venturing out in my summer tops with no cardigan or coat, it is bliss.  Everyone seems so much happier when the sun is shining, I am easily getting used to this way of life.  I thought I would share with you some photos of the beautiful sunset over London the other day, it was gorgeous, although the pictures don't really do justice to the colours that were running through the sky.

We always seem to get such beautiful sunsets where I work.  Some days I am working till 8 in the evening so it is nice to be able to sit and watch the sky change colours as night falls.

It's Friday at last and time to enjoy another weekend.  This week seems to have flown by and I shan't complain.  I am hopefully doing a boot sale tomorrow with my mum (fingers crossed the sun will remain shining for us).  We have been having a serious spring clean recently and have collected so much stuff to get rid of.  We are hoping to be able to book up a Spa break at Ragdale Hall with the money we get for our sales, we did this last year and it was brilliant.  

So what have you got planned for the weekend?

Hope you all have a good one.

Love Gem xxx


  1. Hi Gem,

    I know! The sun and the colour it brings are beautiful all day long.

    I've been wanting to do a car boot sale for a while now. Let us know how it went!

    Ian's mum has been to Ragdale Hall before and she said it was AMAZING! Would love to go one day : )

    Hope you sell lots!

    Gemma x

  2. Wow. You almost make London look pretty. Thats impressive.
    Good luck at the boot sale.

  3. what fantastic photo's. good Luck with the sale!

  4. Three guesses what I'm up to this weekend ; ) Good luck with the boot sale, hope it goes well xxx
