Wednesday 27 April 2011

Back To Reality But Not For Long

Hope you all had a lovely Easter bank holiday weekend, it was lovely wasn't it?  The weather was glorious, well almost.  We did have a storm on Saturday evening which I thought was rather exciting, I love watching storms while I am all nice and dry inside from the comfort of home.  Other then that the sun was shining and the temperatures were scorching.

Most of my weekend was spent with the neighbours out in the garden catching the rays and eating lots of BBQ food, yum, in fact the only exception to this was Friday.  It was my Nan's birthday on Sunday and as you can imagine with the loss of my Grandad a couple of months ago we were a little concerned with how she would cope.  We invited her round to ours for the weekend and spent Friday out and about in the sunshine.

We started off at the RHS Hyde Hall Gardens.  This is where the majority of the day was spent and lots of photos were taken.

From here we moved on to Battlesbridge for a quick stop at the antiques centre and finished off at Paper Mill Lock with a scone topped with clotted cream, jam and a strawberry - delicious.  For some reason after the gardens I didn't take any photos (shame on me, I know) sorry ladies, next time, I promise : )  I was just too busy enjoying the time with my family.

What did you get up to over your Easter weekend?

Love Gem xxx


  1. Hi Gem.

    Thanks for the encouraging comment on my blog : )

    I enjoyed the weather a lot this past weekend too...with a total of 4 BBQ's....terrible isn't it lol. I also watched the Thunder storm on saturday evening...I love being all snug inside whilst a storm!

    Gemma x

  2. Sounds like a lovely weekend. And what gorgeous photos.

    Sue xx

  3. Sounds like a lovely weekend, a little similar to mine! The weather was fantastic, wasn't it? I'm glad your Nan had a nice birthday weekend too! xx

  4. Looks like you had a lovely weekend! Mine was spent car booting :o) Scarlett x

  5. Looks like a great place to visit, so pretty :)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  6. aww looks like u had a lovely day

    i am loving this weather to the sunshine really cheers me up, i love it now its spring as wen i come home from being out i walk through my garden and alll my flowers are out and colourful, its very welcoming.

    my husband needs the car for work so i have to walk everywere i go so the sunshine is great!

    easter weekend we put our big tent up in the back garden for the kids to play in and easter night we all slept in it (after natalya asking). we all got in r pj's and warm socks and made hot chocolates and munched r easter eggs....was really nice.
    u can see the pics of this on my blog if u wish, just click on one of the pics of my girls xxx
