Wednesday 16 December 2015

Christmas In Our Home

Christmas arrived in our home a couple of weeks ago now but I'm yet to show you our tree.

It's not my favourite from our three years in our first home and already it seems to be dropping loads, but I still love the shape and of course all of our decorations adorning it.

You see I always miss our Christmas decorations when they are all packed away in the garage so I try my best to make the most of them when they are out in all their glory during December.  

Selecting the decorations from the many boxes and being taken back to the memories behind them, remembering where they were purchased or who they were gifted by, one of the many magical moments that surrounds Christmas.

I'll share with you next week some of the other decorations around our home.

Have a wonderful weekend.

~ Gem x


  1. that tree is beautiful! :) I'm hoping to have a real one next year, this year we couldn't afford it, bit my plan is to buy a little scraggly one in the new year and see if I can get it to grow again :)

    1. Thank you. I just love having a real tree, I don't know that a fake one would be the same, although I appreciate they are so much more cost effective. I did think about doing the same, and looking into buying a small potted one after Christmas and growing it ourselves, that would be amazing x x

  2. I ADORE that wrapping paper! Actually, I think I may have an addiction to wrapping paper. I love the colours and patterns and glitter and..... :)

    1. Thank you. I usually buy all my wrapping paper in January during the sales but like you I have a fascination with it, I have so much, I actually banned myself from buying any this year, I've resisted so far but it has been hard x x

  3. Your Christmas tree looks very pretty! I don't like real tree that much. But sometimes we buy a small one or few benches for the scent. But we use the artificial Christmas Tree, mostly.

    1. Thank you. Yes the smell is something else, I love how it fills the room, it's just perfect x x
