Monday 4 July 2011

Happy Monday

I am going to be working away from home this week so I do not know as yet whether I will have access to the Internet, so just in case I wanted to give you a heads up.

I shall be working in Shipley in Yorkshire for the week.  It shall be nice for a change of scenery and I will try and get some lovely photos of the canal while I am there.  I have quite a bit to blog about when I return (or to blog about while I am away, which ever comes first)  I visited the Fling Festival on Saturday in Chelmsford so I shall be telling you all about that and the blog award I have won from the lovely Callie at Mu Mu and Squeak.

Sorry about the short post today, I am in a bit of a rush to catch my train.  Gotta go.

Love Gem xxx