Friday 15 August 2014

An Update On Hensington Palace

I've not blogged about Hensington Palace for some time now.  Thimgs have changed quite a bit since the last time I spoke to you all about it.

There have been 2 new additions to the family.

I'd like to introduce you all to Annie & Clarabel.

They are light Sussex chickens and a very welcomed addition to the family, although at the moment I'm not sure the other girls quite agree with me.

They are getting used to having each other around but from time to time there are still squabbles but I'm pleased to say they are becoming few and far between.

They have grown so much already since we picked them up.  They are already the same size as the other girls and are still growing.

We are getting the occasional cluck from them but the rest of the time they just cheep away to each other.  They are still not laying but we don't think it will be much longer till we get our first eggs from them.

So for now we are just enjoying watching them grow from little chicks in to beautiful fully grown chickens.

~ Gem x

1 comment:

  1. Annie and Clarabel are beautiful Gem! They look to be the very best of friends too :-)
    Hope you're having a great week,
    Susan x
