Friday, 13 April 2012

Bank Holiday Camping

I'm back.  I had hoped to have blogged quite a while ago but I had miss placed my laptop charger and so was unable to access my photos.  Still I have it now so that is the important thing.

Over the Easter weekend me and James went camping.  The weather was pretty rubbish and it was very cold so we only camped for 2 nights rather than the 3 we had originally planned.  We were lucky to have had some nice weather on Friday, it is just a shame that it couldn't have lasted all weekend.

We have stayed at this campsite twice before and will no doubt be staying again in the future.  It is in such a brilliant location, the owners are lovely people and it isn't too far away from home for us to travel.  The campsite itself is on a working farm.  I love going there in the spring just to be able to see all the calfs and lambs :)

The other thing I love about camping is being able to have a camp fire.  It certainly warms up those cold evenings.

We cooked a couple of meals over the fire.  My favourite of the weekend was a sausage casserole.

It was lovely eating dinner outside by the fire watching the sunset.

Then as darkness surrounded us we lit up the gas lanterns and gazed up at the stars and the huge moon in the night sky.

On Saturday we made a visit to Rye.  It is a beautiful town with endless things to look at and numerous antique shops too :)

Weather aside it was a lovely weekend.

How was your Easter weekend?

Love Gem x x x x


  1. What an outing! Sorry the weather wasn't totally agreeable, but it seems like the environment was! Great pics. I've never been to Rye, but I think I will add it to my travel bucket list!

  2. I love that you cooked over the fire - looks fabulous! Sorry the weather was rubbish, its always the same on bank hols. Scarlett x

  3. Ooh, such a lovely weekend Gem and the casserole cooked over the fire looks the best!
    Hope you have a lovely weekend,
    Susan x

  4. I hope you didn't tell the little pigs on the farm that you were having sausage casserole lol! It seems like you had a lovely time and Rye looks gorgeous :)

  5. I have fond memories of camping holidays when I was a child - sadly no longer go camping - my hubby likes his creature comforts too much!

    Looks like you had a good time.

  6. Looks like fun although I think Glamping is more for me :) We have a caravan in Italy and I like my microvave and hoover!!!

  7. Sounds like a lovely weekend away! I'm a bit adverse to camping! But i like the idea of glamping! Shame you couldn't stay the third night! xxx

  8. Sorry that that weather wasn't better for you, but it looks like you still had a lovely time. Best wishes, Pj x
