
Monday 25 January 2021

Coping With Lockdown

I will be honest, I still cannot get my head around everything that is going on in the world right now.  And I still don't believe everything that we are being told by the media and our government, but I'm not going to get into all of that here.  Being in lockdown is something I could never have contemplated having to face before.  Now it feels more normal than not, as here in the UK we are experiencing our third lockdown since this whole pandemic started.

I am pissed off.  I am tired.  I am angry.  I had my ups and downs during the first lockdown.  The second didn't really phase me at all.  But this third one is really getting to me.  Every.  Little. Thing. is irritating me, and I don't know how to shake it.  I hate that every aspect of life right now has to be planned like a military operation, and this is coming from someone who loves to plan things.   I would love so much to go to the cinema, to go out to dinner with friends and family, to go play a round of adventure golf, but we can't do any of that, nor does it look like we'll be able to any time soon.

I'm not really someone that can sit around and do nothing for very long.  I like to have things to occupy myself.  I can happily sit in front of the TV and watch a few films or episodes of a good series, but after a couple of days cabin fever begins to kick in and I get irritable.  Going into the first lockdown I created a list of things I wanted to do.  Some of them were things I'd put off for a couple of years, others were silly little jobs I'd just not yet got round to, plus I added in a few things just for fun because let's face it, we could all do with a it of fun during these trying times.  For me I find it good to have a target, something to aim towards and this really helped me get through the first lockdown.  I didn't really bother with one for the second lockdown.  Being right before Christmas my mind was focussed on preparing for that.  Writing out my Christmas cards, preparing gifts for my loved ones, watching all the classic Christmas movies etc.  I'm feeling like I could really do with a list right now, which I am working on compiling, only trouble is I am struggling to find things to add to it as I completed so much first time around.

My first list consisted of:

~ Organise Pinterest Boards.

~ Finish Disneyland Paris Trip Scrapbook.

~ Complete a Jigsaw Puzzle.

~ Get Creative, Do Some Crafts.

~ Go Through Photos.

~ Read A Book.

~ Listen to my favourite songs.

~ Facetime Friends.

~ Clear Out Wardrobe.

~ Watch A TV Series on Netflix.

~ Go Through Emails.

~ Re-Pot House Plants.

Some of these things I can add to my new list, plus I'm sure I'll come up with a couple of new things too.  Is there anything that you have been doing to help make the lockdown more bearable? I'd love to hear about it if you've found something to pass the time.

~ Gem x 



  1. Don't forget that it is January- the gloomiest month of the year. Everything would feel rotten anyway without the added misery of lockdown. I'm not sure what it is that you don't believe that we are being told but for me, having had relatives, who were healthy, die early in the pandemic and friends who are medical professionals, I accept it for what it is- no sane government would face the detriment to thr economy otherwise.
    What about starting a reading target list. Choose a set of books that you would like to read. Try picking sine from the BBC Big reads list (or whatever it was), I've been taking part in The January Challenge on Instagram which has been hugely fun and creative and can be done in retrospect if not in January.
    I've found getting out for walks and searching for fungi has been fun and something for me to focus on. Danbury woods and Common had some good examples (before Lockdown). Park by the Gay Bowers lane sign and you immediately see Yellow Brain Fungus on a tree.
    Could you challenge yourself to blog every day in February? Perhaps taking a simple format each week like 1 recipe try out, 1 book review or update, 1 piece of craft you've done in the past year, 10 things you are proud of, 10 things you most want to do post lockdown, talk about your 10 favourite previous holidays, 10 favourite items in your home, 10 favourite flowers etc?
    Hope you can feel less fed up soon.

    1. I actually usually don't mind January. It's a new year, the start of the next chapter and all that. I tend to go away somewhere for short weekend break and make a point of eating out and catching up with friends, something that has been taken away from me this year. I'm not disbelieving that there is a virus out there and I understand that people have died from the virus but come on, you really believe we should be living our lives being dictated to as to how many people we can meet up with and where and when this is allowed to happen. Why can some shops open and others not. You mean to say that a garden centre in January is an essential shop but a clothes store isn't? What exactly is the difference there and who gets to decide what is and isn't essential? I can sit in an office at work with a whole heap of different people but I'm not allowed to meet a few friends even if we meet outside! People are committing suicide, they are in financial ruins, but that's ok so long as we protect the vulnerable people from the virus? It just doesn't sit right with me. But that's just my opinion, everyone has their own and that's fine, that is what makes us all different I guess. Personally I feel like there is some kind of hidden agenda behind some of what is going on xx
