Monday, 19 March 2012

London Stitch & Craft Show 2012

This Saturday I spent the day at London's Stitch & Craft Show which was held at Kensington Olympia 2.  If you have been following me for a while you will know that I visited the show last year and was so impressed, I just knew that I had to go back for more this year.  I'm so glad I did.

Trains from Chelmsford and on the underground looked to be an absolute nightmare.  I was going with one of the girls I now work with.  It is funny, we have known each other 2 months but it feels as though I have known her for years and years, I can see us being good friends for years to come, she is so lovely and we have far too much in common.  All the time I had been saying about wanting a friend my own age, into the same things as me and she was here all along ha, typical hey.  Any way I digress, with the trains looking to cause problems Marie decided to drive us there.  It was surprisingly a really lovely drive and much more scenic than travelling on the tube.  When there I met up with some of the girls I used to work with and we set off to trawl the many stands at the show.

There was so much going on, from craft workshops to displays.  I warn you now this is very photo heavy from here on in :).

I fell in love with this dresser at the Cross Stitcher workshop.

I really do love these Singer's they are so pretty.

There was a knitted village, with buildings, trees, cars, people, you name it, they had it.  The attention to detail was amazing.

Even a telephone box.

This one really made me laugh.  yes that is a dog peeing up a lamp post. 

There were loads of quilts on display too.  There was a quilt for each country taking part in the Olympics.

Again the detail was out of this world.  You could tell that so much time and effort had gone into making these beautiful creations.

They were all so different.  It was very inspiring to see just how different they all were.

There were designs that I would never have thought of.

Some I never would have imagined.  take a look at this one.  Each individual square was so small, it must have taken months and months to make this.

While I was there I bumped into Jewel.  I only met her for the first time last month and then without even planning it we bumped into each other not once but twice.  If you have ever been to one of these shows you will know how busy they are, how many people there are there and what a huge space is covered and yet we see each other twice, amazing hey.  No photos this week though I'm afraid.  I didn't even think to get a  photo.

I fell in love with this little cutie, yes a knitted cat, isn't she sweet.  There were loads of knitted cats and dogs but this was by far my fave.

However the highlight of the show for me was...........

Meeting Jamie Chalmers Aka Mr X Stitch.

He is such a lovely guy.  I was expecting to get a quick photo and that be it but he wanted to chat to us, I mean really chat to us.  He seemed so interested and asked us loads of questions, really and truly such a nice and down to earth guy.  I'm not sure what I was expecting.  I mean he is pretty well known in the craft world so I guess I thought it would have got to his head a bit but it really hadn't.

This was his mean face ha ha!

So here is what I bought at the show (almost finished now I promise)

A pretty new handbag

Some lovely ribbons

Some pretty lace £1 for all 3 of these, bargain.

Some wool to hopefully knit some lacey type pieces.

More wool for Christmas :s

Some embroidery hoops, one of which is already in use for one of my current projects.

A rotary cutter, this should make cutting fabric a bit easier.

I signed up to Mollie Makes magazine for 3 months plus I was given a copy of this months magazine, so that is 4 magazines for wait for it ................................£1 yes £1.

I also bought some patterns for tea cosy's.

There was one other thing I bought which I haven't taken a photo of but I will. That will just have to wait until next time.

So how was your Saturday?

Lots of Love 
Gem x x x x


  1. Ooh, it looks like you had a fantastic time, lovely. Lisa (Kandipandi) and I are going to a craft show on Thursday. I can't wait and seeing your post has made me even more exited. Xx

  2. Great day out! You bought some good craftin' loot! Mollie Makes for a quid? You really did score!

  3. Wow! It's nice to know you enjoyed it!I uhmmed and ahhed about going but wasnt sure it would be worth it! Im very jealous you met Jamie!!! I think im going to sign up to Mollie Makes, seeing as I buy it every month without fail and it's got a great gift at the moment!

  4. It looks like great fun! And you met Mr X Stitch...he looks lovely : )

    The Mollie Makes magazines are a bargain. Did you get the crochet flower freebie with it?

    If you go again next year I'd love to come with you : )

    Gemma xXx

  5. Looks like you had a fab time, I can't wait for the one in October too! xx

  6. Thank you ladies.

    I haven't commented on my own posts for a long, long time, just testing it to check out the commenting settings :) x x x x

  7. Hi Gem, thanks for sharing your photos, it looks like you had a great time. I too almost went to that show last week, but in the end I settled for some online retail therapy and bought some more Tim Holtz dies. :) Maybe next year, best wishes, Pj x

  8. I inherited a Singer just like the one you posted - at the moment it is gathering dust in its case. I love the way it is displayed in your picture.
