Yesterday I mentioned that I had kindly been awarded the Liebster Blog Award. I had not been awarded this one previously so it has now been added to my sidebar. Thank you to the wonderful of Dinki Dots who awarded it to me.
I have also been awarded by the lovely LissyLou. Thank you ladies.

The Liebster Award is awarded to 200 or less followers in the hope that it will bring new visitors and followers to their blog. If you are happy to accept the award the steps are:
Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them - check
Post the award button on your blog. - check
Pass the award on to 5 bloggers who inspire you.
Leave a comment on those blogs to let them know.
I would like to pass this award onto:
1. The lovely Kate @ Burly & Grum - Kate is an indie writer and has written some fabulous children's books which can now be bought from Amazon here.
2. My Gal from the States, Brook @ Redhead Reverie - This woman is amazing and if you want an honest opinion on something, she certainly tells it how it is - I love that.
3. The bride to-be Juli @ Pretty Little Jewels - a lovely girl who loves crafting and baking and has become a very good friend.
4. New to Blogland Rachel @ Rachel's Blog - she may be young but this girls photography skills are amazing, I'm sure she would be able to teach me a thing or two.
5. Charity shop fanatic Gem @ Treasures From The Cherry Tree - this girl can spot a bargain from a mile away and always has me crying with laughter while reading her fantastic blog.
Enjoy your award lovely ladies.
~ Gem x
now you have another one!!!
ReplyDeleteThere is an award for you over at my year of 30 blog xx
Awe thank you soo much Gem! I really appreciate it! I have never had this award before!
ReplyDeleteYou're the best! xx
Oh how flipping lush! Thanks Gem. You are real Gem. I love Gems. Love from Gem.....hmmmm, have I overdone it perhaps....
ReplyDeletex x x x
I meant A real Gem. Oh dear, typing too fast while excited by my award, thanks Gem. xxxx
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!!! And have a wonderful Sunday!
ReplyDeleteKristin xx
How are the wedding plans going love? Will thank you in my blog this week for the award. Keep thinking of you with all the marriage stuff to come! Enjoy!!!!!!!! x x x