Sunday, 16 January 2011

Hylands House Torchlit Tour

As soon as I heard about Hylands House torchlit tour I booked my tickets right away.  
It was a brilliant evening and I really enjoyed it.  We didn't see anything but if I am honest I am quite glad about that, I'm not sure how I would have reacted if we had of, but I'm sure it wouldn't have looked pretty.  The stories we were told were spooky enough for me.
As well as the stories of sightings, I actually learnt a lot about the house which was great.  I have lived in Chelmsford all my life and to learn things about the area that I didn't know was really interesting and has encouraged me to want to learn more about it.

It was a very atmospheric night and one I won't forget for some time.

~ Gem x


  1. Hi Gem,

    Yes..I wouldn't of liked to see anything spooky either. The stories are enough!!

    We did a little shopping and drank in a local pub today. It was nice & empty with cosy sofas : )

    Gemma x

  2. Ooh, sounds interesting. I had a lazy weekend :).

    Sadie x

  3. It was brilliant though, I really enjoyed it. Sounds like you both had a lovely weekend too :) xxx
