I honestly cannot believe that I am actually typing this post. I have mentioned on many occasions on this little ole blog here of mine, how much I love Cecelia Ahern's books. I absolutely adore her work and feel so inspired by her words. There is always something quite magical about her stories, something that I have never come across with anyone else's work before. After speaking to fellow blogger
Sophie (who I had the pleasure of meeting earlier this year), about book events at Waterstones, I have been finding myself trawling their events page on a regular basis. So you can imagine my excitement to spot a Q&A session with the award-winning, bestseller author Cecelia Ahern. I messaged Sophie straight away and our tickets were booked.

The Q&A was focused on Cecelia's latest book release and her first young adult novel, Flawed. What I've heard about it so far sounds incredible. It definitely sounds like it's going to be one of those books that is going to make you step back, asses and think about life.
The inspiration for the book is very much everyday life, I'm looking forward to reading it and trying to work out what news stories it's related to. It amazed me to learn that she wrote the book in just six weeks. When I look at what I achieve in six weeks it doesn't feel like much at all, this woman writes whole novels. 402 pages in just six weeks. Wow, I really need to up my game.
I was really surprised to learn that Cecelia still hand writes all of her books. The first draft is done with pen and paper, she then types this onto her computer, giving it the second edit, chapter by chapter. I loved her definition of this being that her first draft comes from the heart. I honestly believe that this is so true from reading her books. There is certainly something quite heart warming about them.
Having two of her novels already created into films, P.S I Love You and Where Rainbows End (Love Rosie) I was keen to find out if any of her other books are destined the same way, I'm pleased to report that yes they are. The one that I am most looking forward to is If You Could See Me Now, I shall be keeping my eyes peeled for that release.
I can't say that I expected anything less, but she is so down to earth, the kind of girl you could imagine being your best friend. She came across so professional but at the same time knew how to have a laugh and goofed around a bit, I loved that. She just interviewed so well. I don't know if any of you would have seen the Lorraine show yesterday morning, but literally what you saw there is what you get, that's the real deal. Just an ordinary woman with an incredible imagination and a passion for love and writing.
It was an absolute honor to be in her company and I wish her the very best of luck with her latest novel (to which the sequel 'Perfect' has already been written and is due for release 30/03/2017) May there be many more fantastic books to come, I know I for one will enjoy reading them. Her work will never get old in my eyes. I mean come on, she wrote P.S I Love You at the mere age of 21, things can only going to keep getting better and better, the woman is a pure genius.
And please, I urge you, if you have never read any of Cecelia's work before, you have to. You are missing out if you don't.
Thank you to Cecelia and the team at Waterstones in Knightsbridge for an amzing evening, I had a great time. Any event with cake gets my vote,
~ Gem x