Saturday, 17 January 2015

Making Plans

OK, so it appears that working full time and blogging are not going to go hand in hand as easy as I had hoped. I really must make more time for this little space of mine, because in all honesty, I enjoy being here.  I have managed to keep up to date with reading the blogs that I love to read, so it's really just a case of making that little bit of extra time for this space right here.

I've been busy making dates and plans with friends and family and my diary is slowly beginning to fill up.  Don't you just love that at the start of a new year.  A fresh and empty diary waiting to be filled with lots of exciting days out and plans, days that will be cherished and spent with loved ones.  I just find it so satisfying.

I've also started the One Line A Day book this year and I'm so pleased with it.  You may have heard of it before (or even have it yourself) but if you haven't you really should check it out.  It's basically a diary that gives you space to write each day for five years, so each year you can reflect on your entry the previous year or years depending how long you have been keeping it.

It sits on my bedside table and I literally cannot wait till I'm filling it in, in 3 years time, just being able to see how much in my life may have changed. I'm a teeny, tiny bit gutted that I didn't invest in it last year, so that I could have captured all my wedding plans and memories, but it wasn't meant to be.  I'm sure I will get something from it though and it will be a nice little keepsake to hang on to in years to come.

I've got a lovely weekend lined up for this weekend so hopefully I will be back to share some little adventures with you soon.

Have a great weekend where ever you are.

Love Gem x    

Friday, 2 January 2015

Seasons: A Frosty Morning

I'm not a fan of the cold weather, however I do enjoy this time of year.

I love the different seasons we are able to experience here in England.

Getting to experience the different seasons helps me to appreciate what each one has to offer.

Living where we are now has definitely allowed me to appreciate it so much more, I seem to be able to notice each of the four seasons more than I have ever done so before.

I stepped out into our garden the other morning (still in my pj's) to capture these frosty moments.

We have woken to a blanket of frost for the past few mornings now.  Usually I would hate it, but being off work has allowed me to actually enjoy it for a change.

It's funny how at a time of year that can often be thought of as quite bleak in the countryside, there is still plenty of life and colour about, when you look close enough.

I actually really enjoyed stepping outside to enjoy the peacefulness of the morning.

Do you have a favourite season?

Love Gem x

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy New Year 2015

Happy New Year to all my readers.

A new year, a fresh start.  A promise of new opportunities and new beginnings.

I spent my new year's eve with James and a small group of our friends.

We had a lovely evening spent indoors playing games, and generally enjoying each others company.  My kind of night.

I'm not usually one for making new years resolutions and I can't see this year being any different.  I'm hoping for a few positive changes in my life this year so fingers crossed something will come of that, but time will tell.

I hope you have an amazing year.  And that 2015 is filled with lots of wonderful and fun filled memories.

Love Gem x